This is detrimental to the exam preparation as it might result in the loss of the electrons to useless stuff like msn, tv, games and blogging.
But fear not! Your brain channel length is not always a constant as what the ideal brain current-voltage relationship have assumed. Thus, due to the effects of channel length modulation, your brain current still can increase a little bit even after saturation.
But the marginal gain from saturation of the brain is very very little, so its better to let the electrons wander off and let the brain voltage drops till the linear region. It's in the linear region that your brain voltage will increase linearly with your input and thus making your learning, studying, mugging more effective.
Dun mug too hard guys, take a break once in a while and blog crappy stuff like this! Ha. =)
Hahahah, what a great analogy! :P
i think your brain just reached its saturation.
Heh. =)
Yalor, now in saturation mode, cant really study much these 2 days. Now have to relax abit then chiong during the weekend..
Hehe, this is too funny.....
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