Yay, its that time of the year again where people goes into mugging mode, furiously printing out notes for the whole semester and searching for past years papers and what not. So after having slacked for the whole semester, let's check out what's installed for me this time.
Hmm, first paper's on the 20th of November, HR2002 (Human Capital in Organizations). Hey! That's during the reading week right? Damn..
Next paper is like, wow, 2 weeks later, 4th of December, EE4412 (Technology and modelling of silicon transistors). Ahh with that much amout of time in between, let's just take it easy lar.
And, that's it. Yup that's right! 2 papers nia. So slack, this must have been the most slack semester i ever had.
hey happy mugging!
Wa liew... why like that one?! Why 2 papers only!
Not fair... sheez
Haha happy mugging to u too! =)
Yea dunno why u all ntu year 4 liao still so many papers, too many exams not good for the brain sia..
Envy.... =( I got 3. and i really need to mug.
dun tempt me with dota le...
well...not too much anyway.
Aiya still need a break once in a while right? =)
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