Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Of fast drinker

I got a platoon mate back then in my army days called Winston Chan and he has always been known as a fast drinker who can glup 1 litre of water (the green army bottle) down in less then 10 seconds. He performed this talent of his a few times in front of our platoon, the most recent one during the ict not long ago. Well, we considered that crazy enough already.

However, Winton if you happen read this, I am sorry to tell you that your record has been broken. Some crazy japanese guy did a 1.5 litres in 4.88 secs.. Crazy shit, i still cant believe the entire 1.5 litres went down. Neither did the audience, who were equally stunned. Check out the "wtf" look on their faces at the end of the clip. Hilarious!


Jackson Tan said...

1) I believe Winston downed one litre, if you count in those that ran down his shirt too.

2) That 1.5 litre plastic bottle can be squeezed; I'm rather certain the green army bottle is quite resistant to deformation. Emptying it takes more than 4.88 seconds.

3) Judging from how the water goes down, this guy's probably forces the water down his throat. Winston glups his. If this guy were to do the same, he'd lose because Winston has an exceptionally large mouth.

JH said...

1) Oh ya hor, forgot the army bottle is 1 litre. Made that correction, thks.

2) Yea I believe you are right.

3) Hmm that i wun be so certain. But whats certain is that both of them are both crazy to perform such stunts lar. lol

Anonymous said...

erm i dun think its good for one to glup down water so fast down the throat for long term

tstar said...

Hi currytan, I saw you in arts canteen yesterday (friday)! hehz...

JH said...

Oh really? Then why nv say hi? heh. =)